August 31st
1000%, this was the best week ever! ah!!
Last P-day we went to Laguna burger! Oh nelly, so the Elders serve out on the Laguna reservation and right by Rt 66 is Laguna burger! and it is sooo good, so we all drove out and did that! That will have to be a place to come back to! :)

Wednesday we went on exchanges...
Then Thursday! Ah!
It was a good day, we saw that cute old lady Lucille, who still thinks my name is Marquez, but whatever :)
Then right after we got out of dinner We got a call. But backing up! I forgot, Donna! Man Donna is just a rock, she has been coming to church every week. Her parents came from Indonesia to be here for a couple months. And she is just awesome. We haven't been able to see her a whole tone.
But anyways, we get a call from Bishop Wolfley and... he told us that Donna had called him and told him she wanted to be baptized!
I don't remember crying that much for something that brought me such exceedingly great joy! AH!
Donna Kingston, who has been taught for 6-7 years by missionaries, who when i first got here didn't really want to see us because she knew we'd talk about baptism, who's husband passed away IS FINALLY GETTING BAPTIZED!!!!!!!
I can not even explain my joy! this is what a mission is all about I love it!
I was thinking about it yesterday as we were filling out her baptism record. I thought why do missionaries feel such joy when people get baptized?
Its because you work and labor so incredibly hard, and as you teach these people the gospel of Jesus Christ, your testimony just grows exponentially!! And you have sucha love for the principals and the people that when they "partake of the fruit" inexpressible joy will fill your soul!
And just to think, ahh this time next year, Donna and Matthew can be sealed to Brother Kingston! THAT IS WHAT MISSIONARY WORK IS ALL ABOUT!
And ah! i just am sooo filled with happiness, to think that I have just a sliver of a part in helping this family to have an eternal family and the joy that comes... man! I want this forever!!!
I love my Savior, I have seen him carry me and those we teach! I know he NEVER gives up on us and we need to NEVER give up on him!
I love you all beyond words!
Love, Sister Markus
we may be a little excited with donna and took a picture with her teaching record! haha
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